
In 2006, IBS' VP of Research and Development, Robert L. Foster, Esq. Petitioned the Supreme Court for a modification to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 13, the Rule that govern's your Indigent Defense Compensation and Reimbursement.  Based upon the Petition, in 2007, the Tennessee Supreme Court Modified Supreme Court Rule 13 to expressly authorize the services provided by IBS and the Indigent Billing Industry was born in Tennessee.  The Amendment can be found in Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 13 Section 6(c), which reads as follows:

(c)(1) Appointed counsel may contract with a third-party agent to prepare and file claims for attorney compensation and expenses; provided, however, that counsel shall remain responsible for all filings and communications in connection with such claims;
(2) Appointed counsel may assign the right to payment of claims for attorney compensation and expenses to a third-party assignee; provided, however, that: (i) counsel electing to assign the right to payment shall assign such right for all subsequent cases in which counsel will present claims for payment pursuant to this rule; and (ii) counsel shall provide adequate written notice to the director of counsel’s assignment of the right to payment to the third-party assignee. Such written notice shall not be effective unless submitted on the Uniform Assignment of Payment For Services Due to An Attorney form provided by the administrative office of the courts. Upon receipt of adequate written notice of counsel’s assignment, the director shall make subsequent payments of counsel’s claims to the third-party assignee. An assignment submitted to the director shall not relieve counsel of the responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of all filings nor shall it relieve counsel of the responsibility to personally respond to inquiries from the administrative office of the courts in connection with counsel’s claims. Counsel’s written notice of assignment shall remain in effect until the director receives written notice that counsel revokes the assignment. The third-party assignee shall agree in writing to indemnify and hold the state harmless for all payments made by the administrative office of the courts in good faith and without notification that the assignment has been revoked and shall file such writing with the director.

Yes, IBS has on its team, the man that started the Indigent Billing Industry, and he is truly passionate about helping you build and develop your practice.  It is simply what he does.

Additionally, Ethics Opinion 85-F-99 allows for the outsourcing of services such as those provided by IBS so long as confidentiality is maintained.  Everything IBS does for you remains completely confidential, excepting, of course, the information required to be provided to process claims and receive payments.